Robin G. Coles
Robin @
Mailing Address:
P O Box 520461
Winthrop, MA 02152
We are also located in Palm Coast, Fl 32164
Hub, Advocate and Resource for both power and sail boaters
Robin G. Coles
Robin @
Winthrop, MA 02152
We are also located in Palm Coast, Fl 32164
A book I’ve written, Lubber’s Log, was released in May. It’s about a husband and wife’s experiences in the purchase, preparation and piloting of a larger vessel than they were used to around New England waters. If you’d like to know more, I can send you a press release or a copy of the book itself if you’d like to review it.
Ps: I would have notified you sooner, but I just discovered your website today on the boatingprnews website.
You can view my website – re: the book at:
Thank you
William L. Gills