The Nautical Blog

Name that Seagull Contest (TNL) needs Your help in naming this mascot!

What better one to have than our infamous seagull which resides on the cover of our Mascot
book Boating Secrets: 127 Top Tips to Help You Buy and Enjoy Your Boat.  With that said, I have been asking around at the various boat shows and events for names.

Thank you to everyone who has participated to date.
Here’s a list of what we have far:

Salty Sammy Winthrop Montagu
Popeye Fly n Rats Sassy Seagull Bart
Rusty Dangerous Gold Power Bird
Honk Gavietta Skallywag Cleotis
Sally Dog Sandy Gary
Birdie Patricia Skyrat Bert
Frederick Seymour George Harriet
Sarah Sunny Ben Lily
Booby Throttles Pepe Griffen
Minnow Admiral Beaky


This contest will run throughout the month of December until January 15, 2015.

Please take a moment and vote for the name you like best Or, if you have a name
you like better, enter that one.

Either way, enter the information in the comments below.

Winner receives a t-shirt with our seagull on the front and the winning name.






Comments (6)

Dick LawtonDecember 18th, 2014 at 9:04 pm

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

robingDecember 19th, 2014 at 1:14 pm

Sorry, Dick. I’ve disallowed Jonathan Livingston Seagull since that is the name of both a song and Album. copyright issues…. 🙂

robingDecember 19th, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Two new names that just came in are: CAPT JACK CRAP and CAPT HOPPER. Thank you Bette for your response.

Chris CrosbyDecember 19th, 2014 at 1:27 pm

I like the name Plotz

robingDecember 19th, 2014 at 1:30 pm

Chris Crosby suggests the name Plotz

TERRIE SPAULDINGJuly 18th, 2017 at 11:29 am


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