The Nautical Blog

New England Boat Show Warms Up Boaters

Fifty-four years and newly owned by NMMA, the New England Bost Show opened as anxious boaters packed the showroom floor. It was a tough boating season last year and long winter. In fact, the weather outside was a bit frightful with cold winds, rain and snow. “The show was a little smaller due to the economy,” says Joe O’Neal of New England Boat Show, “but 85% of the dealers were back from prior years.”

So, what was new at the show this year? Two big things: the Affordability Pavilion and a “Green” Boating Zone. Here you found twenty-four boats to buy for $250 a month or less with a normal down payment and terms. West Marine had a display of the latest eco-friendly products.

Three hundred plus exhibitors filled the aisles with a variety of displays. My favorite, like so many others, is climbing aboard the different boats and getting a feel for which size would be right for you, your family and friends.

The climate at the show was much warmer than last year; sales and leads were definitely up.

To see more exhibitors and demonstrations check out our videos at: latest videos

Baby Searock

Billy Taylor of Searock in Kinston, NC describes how his new invention works and is safe for babies on the boat, at marinas and at home.

check out their site at:

Wooden Boat Puts Their Best Plank Forward

For 17 years Wooden Boat has been putting their best planks forward and this year was no different. On June 27, 2009, I had the pleasure of attending my first Wooden Boat Show. I thought it was going to be like all the other in-water boat shows. Boy was I wrong! This one had personality. The rain stayed away, the seaport in Mystic CT was magical and people drove from miles around to attend.

One of the biggest hits was the “I built it myself’ contest.  “Last year we had 37 entries,” says Michele Corbeil of Wooden Boat, “this year we were turning people away, there was only room for 50 boats. This was the first year we had a waiting list.” This was set up in the Village Green.  Every boat was owner built boats and had to apply to participate. There were boats in all kinds of categories for a variety of reasons – the craftsmanship on some was incredible. You can tell who spent hours building their boats, right down to the joints and hardware used.  There were boats in all kinds of categories for a variety of reasons – the craftsmanship on some was incredible. You can tell who spent hours building their boats, right down to the joints and hardware used.



Besides looking at these boats, there were lots of other things to do for young and old alike. The Charles W. Morgan whaling ship was available if you wanted to climb the 5 story staircase to see her. Amongst the Tall Ships were the training ship Joseph Conrad built in 1882, and the Amistad. Children could build their own toy boats, for $5.00 they could get a canvas, easel, brushes and stand to paint their own memories. Knot tying was available also for ages 8 – 108 (according to the sign).

There were lots of demonstrations as well amongst the houses/cottages and shops of Mystic Seaport; Japanese Tools were grinding down tools, and iron works was teaching a student.  Inside the tent were book publishing companies, a demonstration for screws, sewing a sail, custom names on hats, etc. 

Boat Safety – Week/Lesson 6

tonight’s class we’re learning ropes and how to tie knots. But, before we got started with that, we reviewed a few things:

When radioing for help use ch16. You must give your boat name, color of your boat if you’re in a sailboat, where you are and number of people on board. (for number of people on board, say the actual number then pob, for ex. 3 pob)

If someone goes overboard, slow down. Have lookout person point with full hand, not just a finger. Then when you get to them, grab them up by the waist of their pants and pull up.

First Aid kit – good idea to have a set of wire cutters, just in case of fishing accident. If a hook gets stuck in you, cut the end sticking out off, then tape up remaining hook till you get to the hospital. Don’t try to remove the full hook yourself!

The current is slower but more powerful; always tie up when the current is pushing away.
Thunderstorms are local weather as are seabreezes.
Dark clouds – the higher they are, the further away they are.
Check you skin. If it’s dry, then it’s a good day for sailing.
If wind is with you, then use your paddle to go with the tide.
Remember when entering either a kayak or canoe that you are a 3 legged-stool. Put one foot, one hand, then other foot into boat to prevent falling over.

Chapter 11 – Lines and Knots

What’s the difference between a line and a rope?
You purchase rope in the store, but once it goes onto your boat, it becomes line.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. These are:

  • bell rope – the line used to move a bell’s clapper which makes the bell ring
  • bolt and foot ropes – controls the sails (occasionally sewn into a sail)
  • tiller rope – once used to control the tiller on ships

There are 3 types of ropes:
wire, synthetic and natural fibers

Wire is used for rigging sailboats, almost all other ropes are made from synthetic fibers. Natural fiber ropes are rarely used today.

The synthetic ropes are:  nylon, polyester, polypropylene, shock cord.
The natural ropes are: manila, hemp, jute, cotton, flax and sisal.

There are three ways to make rope, also: braiding, laying or weaving. 

Knot tying – several workstations were setup to practice the various knots used on a boat.

We were told about this cool website that has animated knot tying. To learn more or practice click on one of the photos below:

Bowline       knot-clovehitch   knot-cleathitch

More information about ropes, lines and knot tying will be posted shortly.

Upcoming Exam (July 6) was discussed – chapters 1,2,4,5,6, 8, 9 (pages 220-229 only), 11,12,13

last class next week – chapters 12 & 13

Boat Safety – Week/Lesson 5

Tonight’s lesson was more of a review and video night. Out instructor Dave had an emergency, so class was given by Jim (U S Coast Guard Auxilary).

Class started with a question from one of the students regarding lead lines.  To determine what type of bottom there is before anchoring, put peanut butter, wax, chewing gum,etc on the bottom of the cup or weight of the lead line before dropping into water. This helps you bring up a sample of what’s on the bottom before anchoring. (See lesson 3 towards end or chapter 4 in your Basic Skills and Seamanship book if you’re following along).  As your vessel is moving forward, you come straight over the line, look down and see how far down you are. If you can’t judge, tie flags on your lead line approximately every 6 feet, then lower line into water till the weight on bottom touches.

You are the eyes and ears of local police, USCG, etc. Learn how to be vigilant by watching this new public awareness video “America’s Waterway Watch” by USCG.

Next, we reviewed chapter 8: Boat Safety

make sure you brief your passengers to where everything is on the boat, in case of emergency

maintain a center of gravity – especially in small boats like kayaks, canoes, row boats, sail boats, etc.
it’s vital in a small craft for people to be distributed evenly.

When falling overboard, stay in the Help (heat escape lessening position) position. This position is when you draw your knees up into the fetal position to make your body as compact as possible. If there are more than 1 person in the water, huddle together to conserve heat and move about as little as possible.  Hopefully you have a lifejacket on.

Bring sweaters and jackets with you when you go out boating, temperatures change on a dime.

Next, we went over the signs for Hypothermia, treating and stages. If someone is hypothermic, Don’t give them a warm drink. How long someone can stay in the water before becoming hypothermic depends on the person’s body weight, how well they tolerate cold, and what they’re wearing. If you have a wool sweater on – leave it on – it will keep you warm.

Swimming and treading water cause
faster heat loss than remaining still. Treating a Hypothermic Victim
  1. Rescuers should do all the rescue work (not the victim).
  2. Dry off the victim, if possible.
  3. Keep the victim out of the wind.
  4. Make the victim as comfortable as possible.
  5. Ask for assistance on the radio.
  6. Get medical assistance as soon as possible.
  7. Cover the victim with warm clothing or other material.


Stages of Hypothermia

Body Temperature (°F) Visible Signs and Symptoms
98 – 96 Intense, uncontrollable shivering; impaired ability to perform complex tasks
95 – 91 Violent shivering; difficulty speaking; sluggish movements; amnesia begins
90 – 86 Shivering replaced by muscular rigidity; muscle coordination impaired; erratic movements
85 – 81 Irrational; stupor; loss of contact with surroundings; pulse and respiration slow
80 – 78 Unresponsive; no reflexes; heartbeat erratic; loss of consciousness
Below 78 Failure of heart and lungs; internal bleeding; death

source:Basic Skills and Seamanship manual (both charts)

When buying safety equipment you need to ask questions. Always check to make sure you’re getting what you need, not what the salesperson wants to sell you. Also, play with your new equipment to learn how to use it before an emergency situation.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide, itself, is toxic and poisoning includes the following symptoms: drowsiness, headace, dizziness, weakness, nausea, fainting, coma and if inhaling long enough – death.

To prevent this from happening, use the following techniques:

  1. Provide, maintain, and frequently check adequate engine, and generator compatment ventilation
  2. Install a carbon monoxide detector (just like at home)
  3. Be aware of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning (see list above)
  4. Be aware of any nearby boats that might se sending poisonous fumes your way.

There are many places on a boat that carbon monoxide can sneak in – learn how to ventilate and do it well.

Another video –

this next video we watched was on preventing pollution in waters – aka: Good Mate Video

 over 10,000 marinas in United States
causes of pollution:
– fuel and oil
– sewerage
– maintenance
dishwashing detergent is illegal and doesn’t help whatever it is you’re using it for, except washing dishes
fill your gas tank for 90% capacity to avoid spills
store any soiled rags in a separate container until you’re on shore and can dispose of properly
in a no-discharge zone, you’re type 3 device must be locked
filters from cigarettes are toxic and nonbiodegradable

Thunderstorms and Lightning

thunderstorms come from the West, usually build up over land
notice the color of clouds, shapes, change in wind and static on radio
when you see any of these, make sure you put on your rain gear
if you’re in relatively shallow water – go into deeper water, sails down and drop anchor
ride into wind, check to make sure your boat is grounded

think of the worse that could possibly happen and prepare for it!

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